About Night Shift Paranormal : Chasing the Unknown, Preserving the Past


The Paranormal Investigator

“Paranormal Investigators search for evidence of what they believe to exist on the other side of life. Some of us have seen what is on that other side, and yes, maybe we shouldn’t be looking for it. Yet we still do. We’re driven by the curiosity of how it all works and the excitement of evidence. While we know the dead, for some reason or another, aren’t always at rest with their souls immediately transported to some magical land of heaven or hell, we don’t know why. But we remain committed to prove it. We so eagerly delve into the unknown while often facing our own fears in the process. That’s why we investigate.” 


Night Shift Paranormal is about being more than just a paranormal event company focused on selling tickets to our ghost hunt events or workshops. It is a movement; a community-driven endeavor that aims to provide services to both the paranormal community and the general public. Our vision goes beyond any simple chase of fame and fortune; it is rooted in a genuine desire to preserve historic locations, advance paranormal research, and educate those interested in the field.

At Night Shift Paranormal, we believe that the pursuit of the paranormal is not just about chasing ghosts and specters. It’s about unraveling the mysteries of the unknown, capturing evidence, and debunking what can be explained. We are a team of experienced investigators who are passionate about seeking real evidence of the paranormal. In addition to hosting events, many of us are involved in research and frequent private investigations that help us continue to perfect our craft.

While we are driven by our passion for the paranormal, we also have a deep commitment to preserving historical locations. We understand the importance of these sites and the need for them to remain standing, well-maintained, and financially sustainable.  Unfortunately, we’ve seen far too many examples of  historic buildings that have fallen victim to situations such as abandonment, vandalism, property damage, demolition, and arson. Through our events and fundraisers, we aim to assist in generating funds that directly benefit haunted locations, ensuring their preservation for future generations to visit, research, and learn.

Not only are there stories, lessons, and cautionary tales we can learn from past events at many of these locations, we seek to communicate with the spirits that remain to find parts of stories that weren’t documented, have been misrepresented, or otherwise face danger of being lost to the past. Much like the physical buildings themselves, it is our duty to learn what we can from these entities, helping ensure the true stories are told going forward and no one is forgotten.

Whether you are a novice enthusiast, a seasoned paranormal investigator, or somewhere in between, Night Shift Paranormal strives to create something for everyone with our ghost hunt events. We design our ghost hunt events to cater to diverse interests and experience levels while providing information, guidance, and sense of inclusivity. You receive access to a haunted location, accurate historical information, and an opportunity to gather evidence or have an experience either with us or on your own.

We offer a range of workshops that provide valuable knowledge and information in various areas of psychic development, mediumship, and paranormal investigation. Those looking for a starting point on their paranormal and spiritual journeys or looking to expand upon their existing foundations can receive real training and relevant information by attending our workshops.

Night Shift Paranormal hosts fundraisers to support causes that deeply affect us. Whether it’s a location looking for help or an issue that would benefit from awareness, we’re committed to doing our part in that regard. This allows us to remain supportive of not only the paranormal community, but things that may affect the public as well. We are humbled by our ability to serve in this manner.

At Night Shift Paranormal, we are more than just a team of investigators. We are a seasoned workforce united by a deep love for the paranormal community. Our dedication to our work drives us to push the boundaries of paranormal research and make a positive impact on historic locations.

Our dedication to research, interest in perfecting and innovating investigation techniques and methodologies, and genuine passion for the paranormal field in general allows us to do our very best work. We are there to teach, assist, and guide, so that you truly feel as part of our team for the night.

By participating in ghost hunts or workshops hosted by Night Shift Paranormal, you not only get to indulge in your passion for the paranormal but also contribute to the growth of the field. Our fees help support haunted locations to thrive and continue their operations. Our social media presence continues to spread awareness so that others can be involved and support our efforts.

We’re dedicated to chasing the unknown, preserving the past, and make a lasting impact in the world of paranormal investigation. Together, we can uncover the secrets of the supernatural, advance paranormal research, and ensure that our history remains alive and well. We are the Night Shift Paranormal Workforce and that’s what we’re about.